Research Articles

The following articles have been written to address subjects about which there have been questions or confusion.  These articles are presented with as much available evidence as I have been able to muster over a number of years of research and study.  The reader will have to decide for himself whether the evidence supports my conclusions.

The Case Against a Waterway against the Aft Bulkhead of Titanic’s Forward Well Deck

Answering the Objections to Inboard Sliding Doors in Titanic’s Forward A Deck Crew Stairway Enclosure

Titanic’s Load (Plimsoll) Line

The Principal Dimensions of Titanic’s Officers’ Quarters Windows

The Controversy Over the Paint Remnants on Titanic’s Recovered Officers’ Quarters Window

The Instruments and Equipment of Titanic’s Navigating Bridge

Paint Color and Application to Titanic’s Winches: The State of the Evidence

The Fold-Down Tables on Titanic’s Bridge

Skid Lights for Titanic’s First-Class Smokeroom

The Structure and Function of Titanic’s 30 ft. Main Lifeboats

The Corrected Arrangement of Skid Lights on Titanic’s Officers’ Quarters

The Case for an Aft Placement of the Chart Table in Titanic’s Chart Room

The Usefulness of Olympic’s Color Photos

Application of Paint to Titanic’s Hull

The Case for Titanic’s Electric Fan Ventilator with an Angled Duct into the Vent Trunk

Titanic’s Emergency Boat Fall Recovery System

An Examination of the Early R.M.S. Olympic Fidley Ventilation System Controversy

Titanic’s Watertight Door Tell-tale Indicator: Reconsidering the Evidence

Forward “C” Deck Machinery Room on Titanic

Plotting Titanic’s Sheer Curve

Life Ring Locations on Titanic’s Weather Decks

Drawing of the Underside of “A” deck

A Larger Radius Corner of Titanic’s Roof of the First Class Lounge

Securing Clamps for Titanic’s Center Anchor

The Structure and Function of Titanic’s 25 ft. Emergency Boats

African Cowl Ventilators on the Roof of Titanic’s Officers’ Quarters?

An Analysis of the Layout of Water Pipes on Titanic’s Tank Room Roof and Third Funnel

Plan of Beams on the Underside of the Boat Deck

Description of the Structures on the Underside of Titanic’s Boat Deck

Titanic’s Boat Deck Mystery Box

Titanic’s Bridgefront Windows

A New Understanding of HMHS Britannic’s National Ensign

Deployment and Retrieval Procedures for Titanic’s Center Bow Anchor

Titanic’s Chart Room and Pilot’s Room Windows

Titanic’s Coaling Outriggers

Procedures to Launch Collapsible Lifeboats on Titanic’s Officers’ Quarters Roof

The Structure and Function of Titanic’s Anchor Chain Cable Compressors

Operation and Control of Titanic’s Electric Cargo Cranes

An Examination of the Color “Dark Mast” Found on Titanic

New Evidence of the Possible Danger of Loading Titanic’s Lifeboats to Capacity

A New Understanding of the Positions of the Welin Boat Davits Aboard Olympic and Titanic

New Evidence Which Explains the Functions of Titanic’s Docking Signal Systems

The Case for the Function of Titanic’s Docking Bridge Wheel Exclusively as an Emergency Back-up

Operation of Titanic’s Engelhardt Collapsible Lifeboats

The Difference in the Principal Dimensions of the Engelhardt Collapsible Boats of Titanic vs. Olympic

Titanic’s Engine Room Winches

The External Appearance of Titanic’s Expansion Joints

Titanic’s Emergency Cutter Fall Boxes

Wooden Plank Sheathing of Titanic’s Forecastle Deck

Deck Sheathing Under Titanic’s Anchor Handling Gear

Fixed and Removable Railing Sections Around Titanic’s Forecastle Deck

Analysis of the Location of the Head of the Forepeak Tank Vent on Titanic

The Case for Restaurant Galley Skylights on Titanic (revised)

The Case for Titanic’s Capstans and Windlasses Being Painted Green

Titanic’s Cargo Hatch Covers and Associated Structures

Deployment of Titanic’s Kedge Anchor

Titanic’s Kelvin Sounding Machine

The Case for Dog Kennels on Titanic’s Boat Deck

The Knees to the Outboard Bulwarks and the Aft Bulkhead of Titanic’s Forward Well Deck

Iron Ladders to Titanic’s Poop Deck: A New Discovery

The Absence of Low Roller Fairleads in Titanic’s Forward Well Deck

External Components of Titanic’s Marconi Wireless System

Alternative Fixed Positions for Lifeboats in Titanic’s Boat Deck Passenger Promenade Areas

Murray’s Disengaging Gear

Titanic’s B Deck Mystery Object

Narrowing the Range of “White Star Buff”

The Discovery of an Opening in the Forward Outboard Boat Deck Bulwarks of the Olympic Class Ships

A Comprehensive Plan for Evacuation of R.M.S. Olympic After Her 1913 Refit

Open Wash Ports of Titanic’s Forward Well Deck

Separation Line Between Titanic’s Hull Black Paint and Antifouling Paint

Pillar Roller Fairleads of Titanic’s Forward Well Deck

Chamfering of Thicker Teak Sheathing on Titanic’s Forecastle Deck

Wooden Plank Sheathing of Titanic’s Poop Deck

Portable Roller Fairleads Used With Titanic’s Boat Winches

The Case for the Color of Titanic’s Propeller Warning Notice Boards Being Black and White

Paint Application to Titanic’s Propellers

Identification of Titanic Ventilator on Raised Roof Over Reading and Writing Room

Titanic’s Standing Rigging and Associated Hardware

Titanic’s Boat Deck Waterproofed Roofs

The Case for the Objects on the Weather Cover Over Titanic’s Forward Grand Staircase Dome as Scaffolds

Center Object on Titanic’s Staircase Skylight Weather Covers

Titanic’s Officers’ Quarters Skylights

The Distress Socket Signal Firing Station Locations Aboard Titanic

Documentation of a New Titanic/Olympic Find: Support Stanchions Under the Poop Deck

Shell Plating at the Midline of Titanic’s Stern Counter

Why Titanic’s 1912 Surveyor’s Report on Crew Space Accommodation Can’t Be Considered a Reliable Guide for Ventilators and Skylights

Titanic’s Navigating and Docking Bridge Telegraph Dial Faces

Titanic’s Aft B Deck Mystery Object

The Case Against a New Theory that Titanic’s Top of House Wood Sheathed Roofs Were Painted

The Extreme Breadth Measurement of Titanic

Awnings Aboard Titanic

Unraveling the Mystery of Titanic’s Center Propeller

Water Pipes on Titanic’s Funnels

“What Are the Heights of Titanic’s Funnels?”

Titanic’s Funnels: Exterior Details

The Case for a Change in the Color of Titanic’s Cargo Hatch Coamings

The Case for Why There Was Sufficient Lifeboat Capacity for All Aboard Titanic on April 14-15, 1912

The Application of Titanic’s Name to Her Hull

Titanic Lifeboat Identification Plates

Titanic’s Antifouling Paint (revised)

Titanic’s Lifeboat Capacity

Titanic’s First Class Smokeroom Bar Windows

Deckhouse Structures Aft of Titanic’s Third Funnel

Location of Titanic’s Trotman Anchors

A Re-Examination of One of Titanic’s Ventilators

An Analysis of the Configuration of One of Titanic’s Vent Trunk Intakes

Screens Over Intake and Exhaust Ducts of Titanic’s Ventilators

The Water Tank Aft of Titanic’s First Funnel

The Case for the Aft Weather Cover Over Titanic’s Aft First Class Staircase Having Two Sidelights on Its Aft Face

Titanic’s Mystery Whistles

White Star Buff: The Case for More Than One Formulation of the Color

The Structure and Function of Anchor Handling Equipment Aboard Titanic

The Opening Windows of Olympic and Titanic’s Boat Deck First Class Entrance and Gymnasium